Monday, March 7, 2011

The RI Manifesto

The Revolution Inversion is a movement to turn the tide of rebellion to a positive direction. It is a push back to moral absolutes, truth and foundational doctrine, regardless of pressure, culture or societal pressure. The Revolutionaries will not be put in a box by tradition, by media, by social norms or societal stigmas. We will seek and find truth in the Word of God and in His truth, even when it conflicts with what the world, society, the media, the educational and religious systems.

We will stand on solid doctrine of the Scripture, the only source of truth and will look to the scripture for answers and guidance. We will pray for the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom, we will study and discuss together and we will be proactive to learn together. We will not be pushed and moved by every popular idea or opinion, but test it against the Word of God for it’s truth and validity. We will hold true to the foundations of our faith, such as Grace, Love, Holiness, Justice, Forgiveness and Compassion.

We as the Inversion Revolutionaries will no longer wait for the government, society or powers that be to lead off on our expressions of faith and our spiritual devotion. We will take the initiative, take the stand and respectfully practice our religious freedom in a way that honors our faith. We will no longer wait for the schools to ordain prayer, we will pray in school, we will study the Bible and we will meet and celebrate our faith. We will not seek to be disruptive, but we will seek to honor God and put Him first.

We will take initiative to share our faith in respectable ways with others, to seek to show love and grace and try to make the community a friendly place to be. We will seek to live like Jesus and love and minister to those who love us, disagree with us, discriminate against us and who oppose us. In all things we seek to be like Jesus, who was the Master Revolutionary.

As Revolutionaries, we will be radical in our faith. It will be more than just attending a church service, or being part of a group. Our faith will be real, lived out in authentic community with other believers. We will share, support, love and pray for our fellow Revolutionaries. We will celebrate together and fellowship together when ever and where ever possible. We will pray together, study the Bible together, celebrate and rejoice together. We will not be a click or a social group, but a transformed community of believers who want our faith to be more than just one small part of our lives. We will live a life that is radically transformed, and we will live it out in a world that can be counter to it. We will do what Jesus asks, go where Jesus calls and be who Jesus wants us to be. We will do all these things, not because we have to, but because we want to. We will give ourselves over to the passion in our hearts for Jesus Christ, and let that one thing be that which defines us. We will let our faith consume us, ignite and overtake us. We will be driven by love, not duty. We will be pushed by compassion, not guilt. We will be motivated by purpose, not obligation. We will love because we are loved, and it will transform us. Then, we will start a Revolution!

Your fellow Revolutionary