Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Revolutionaries are So Last Century

There was a time when we needed revolution.  We revolted from Great Briton, we had revolution with freedom and equality, we have needed revolution when it comes to rights and suffrage, and in the church, we needed revolution to restore Biblical truth and doctrine.  What we need right now is a little less revolution.  In our society, we have been rebelling against every set authority and principle and making up new rules as we go along.  Morality is out the window, discipleship and seeking truth has given way to experience and preference.  We don't want to find the truth, we just want to feel good right now.

What we need instead of  revolution is an inversion.  The Biblical word for this is repentance.  We need to turn from the path we are on that is headed for destruction and get on a path that brings life and hope and peace.  We need to put Biblical Truth in the center of our lives.  We need to return to the principles and the truths that we once had of compassion and community.  We need to put our trust in God and wish the best for our fellow human beings.

I want to invite you to become an Inversionary.  The focus is easy, love God, love people.  We will share, care and invest our lives in our neighborhoods, communities, work places and playgrounds.  We will share our lives, our faith, our stories and seek to make the place we are just a little better.  We want to stop the downward slide, bring glory to God and help others see His Majesty.  Will you join me?