This is something I have been thinking about a lot. Prayer in the public school. You see, before 1962, every day students would say the pledge and they would pray "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon thee and ask thy blessing on us, our parents, our teachers and our country".
Here we are in 2010, and there is no official prayer in the public school system, but that doesn't mean students don't have a right to pray. Here is my challenge, student pray together. Not just at See You At The Pole (which is great and you should attend) but every day by your class room, in the hall, where-ever. Prayer the prayer that was said back in the 60s, say it together in a circle, or stand up before the bell rings in class and say the prayer with other Christians. Prayer in school is part of our constitutional right, and we should practice it, at home, at work, at school, at play and anywhere else we go.
As you pray, pray honestly, pray to the Lord. Don't make a spectacle, don't pray in a loud or showy way, don't invite attention. The purpose of prayer is to life our lives up to God, depending upon Him, giving Him honor and glory. As you pray, pray for this purpose. If some mock you, ignore them and pray for them quietly. Don't announce "I'll pray for you, you heathen" cause that won't help. If others ask to join, let them join. This quiet activity will build community, spiritual growth and closeness as you pray together daily.
Revolutionaries, Let's Go!