Monday, July 12, 2010


I am in the process of drafting the RI Manifesto. Here is the line along which I am thinking.

We as the Inversion Revolutionaries will no longer wait for the government, society or powers that be to lead off on our expressions of faith and our spiritual devotion. We will take the initiative, take the stand and respectfully practice our religious freedom in a way that honors our faith. We will no longer wait for the schools to ordain prayer, we will pray in school at a time that doesn't conflict with classroom or instruction time. We will study the Bible during times we will not conflict with instruction time, and we will meet and celebrate our faith.

We will take initiative to share our faith in respectable ways with others, to seek to show love and grace and try to make the community a friendly place to be. We will seek to live like Jesus and love and minister to those who love us, disagree with us, discriminate against us and who oppose us. In all things we seek to be like Jesus, who was the Master Revolutionary.

Keep checking back as the Manifesto continues to develop. I would love to have your input.

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