Things are dark in places in this country. People who stand up for what they believe are called hateful bigots, they are boycotted and slandered. People are angry and they make videos bullying drive through clerks. People are hopeless, they can't find work, they can't afford to pay for gas and food. People are scared, shootings seem to happen randomly in schools, churches and other public places, no one is safe, it seems no where is safe.
Many of these things we know will happen as the end of the age approaches. As things continue to get darker, we must shine all the brighter as Christians. The time for Christians relying on the institutional church to just take care of reaching is over. We are living in a post-Christian, post-Churched society. We have to a light in the places we are.
It's time as Revolutionaries that we begin to shine the light in the darkness. Sharing the gospel with basic Bible study is the best way to counteract the darkness. RI Ministries exists to help you with this very thing, to start a Bible Study in your school, workplace, neighborhood, wherever you are. Let us know how we can help.
The church is the believers, not the building! We received our marching orders over 2000 yrs ago! Lets go..